Monday, March 08, 2010

Weekend Update

We had a blessedly slow weekend around here - nearly unheard of around these parts.  We went to see the play Tuna Does Vegas on Friday.  It was good, but I was a little tired.  I think the fact I almost fell asleep during the second act was a testament to my exhaustion, not the comic genius of Jaston Williams, Joe Sears, and Ed Howard.

We had absolutely nothing, I repeat nothing, to do on Saturday except Spence's basketball game (where we actually saw some aggression out of our timid player!  Can I get an "hallelujah"?!).  We topped off the day with a "Family Date Night".  This was complete with dinner at Jason's Deli (They have free ice cream, you know.  This is all that is required to get a high rating in the Johnson Children's Zagat Guide), and movie night camped out on the floor of the living room - with popcorn!  Remember when life was so simple and it was so easy to be wowed?  We should probably all be that easy to please.  It would make everything about life a little more magnificent, I would think.

On Sunday we were off to church.  The drive there involved Elizabeth singing "The Wheels on the Bus" at the top of her lungs while Spencer tried to see how high he could count before we made it to church.  I can only imagine that is exactly what it sounds like inside your head once you've gone mad.  I'm going to make the voices inside my head take their turns when they speak because now I know what madness sounds like.  And it's disturbing.

Did I ever tell you that Shawn and I co-teach Middle School Sunday School (in what I can only believe was a monumental lapse of judgement on someone's part.  Seriously?  You're going to let the two of us influence the youth of our parish?  Well, ok.  Your call.  I'm guessing I've never spoken aloud to these people...).  But, we (and by we, I mean the other teacher, Dawn - the kids mainly ate donuts and tried not to fall asleep on the couches; and we three other teachers just nodded a lot) had a really interesting lesson about the letters Paul wrote while he was imprisoned in the Mamertine Prison just before his execution.

Sunday School was followed by an "Instructed Eucharist".  I've never been to one of these, but our rector pretty much commentated the way through the service and told us why we were doing all the things we just do by rote.  It was very, very interesting (even though it made the service last a long time - and that makes Shawn grumpy.  Not exactly the way you're supposed to leave a church service, I don't think... ;)

We went to lunch, we napped, we worked-out; we picked up the toy-disasters around the house, picked Play-Doh out of various crevices, practiced violin, practiced recital dances (for June!), got school bags ready, tracked down tennis shoes, ate dinner, cleaned the kitchen, took baths (took a deep breath!) and another weekend was over.

Happy Monday.


cmjj said...

I very much love weekends when we have nothing on the calendar because that's when our impromtu (sp?) trips to the museum or the farm take place, and those are our most favorite things to do.

Ali said...

Those are the things real memories are made of. I have no idea why we've conviced ourselves that we must pack our calendars full of activities.

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