And, one more time, get in your time machine. Rewind back to Memorial weekend. And... let me tell you about our family reunion/vacation!
My mom and step-dad host a family reunion for their four daughters and families every Memorial weekend (but, to be clear, they're really just bringing their grandkids on vacation - we're just lucky enough to get to come along as their caregivers)! We did an abysmal job of taking pictures, but luckily we had some sitters along who snapped a few. And, my sister got a couple...
Look how sweet they can act...
But, this is more like it...
And, to name those hooligans:
Back row: Abby W. (Aug '01) holding Roman K. (Dec '09),
Spencer J. (Oct '03), Megan W. (Jan '04)
Middle Row: Lauren V. (Feb '04), Elizabeth J. (Jun '06),
Ava V. (Feb '04), Miranda K. (Jul '05)
Front Row: Graysen "Gigi" V. (May '08)
Our fabulous sitters who allow us to stay out
later than 8:00 after the kids go to bed!
The resort has a "Crooked River"...
...and a water slide!
And here's a few that just crack me up:
Oh, where to start? Megan in the back with a slap bracelet around her neck giving off a distinctly African tribal vibe? Spencer in the front doing what is clearly a ninja move of some sort? Abby and Lauren in the front - natural born posers regardless of the mayhem all around them? Or Lulu? Oh sweet Lulu. What color is the sky in that beautiful, carefree world of yours?
Men on their iPhones:
Has there ever, in the history of mankind, been a more clear "I'm-going-to-humor-you-with-this-picture-but-really-I-just-want-you-to-leave-me-alone" face?

Brandy and I awoke early one morning to go on a hike (a passing salute to actually working out - don't worry, we didn't do it more than once). We had to hike a bit on a path that skirted the resort property, but then we arrived at a some sort of National Reserve. We passed through a gate and, voilà, remote forest/other world experience. We walked aimlessly for a bit and then I felt it. A pinch on the back of my shoulder. I asked Brandy what it was and she yelled some exclamation of horror and said it was a huge horsefly. She batted it off of me, as clearly it was a biting horsefly at that, and on we went. But, oh no. The horsefly landed on her a couple of seconds later. She screamed and ran, but it hung on tight. I had to muster every ounce of sisterly love to bat this bird-sized fly off of her. Then we ran away. And it landed on me again. We screamed. We laughed. We ran. I think I even peed a little. And, this fly just kept jumping from one to the next of us. Finally, we found our way, panting and exhausted back to the gate through which we'd arrived and bolted through it. We kept watching each other and giving cautionary swats to ourselves, but the devil bug didn't follow us through the gate. Creepy territorial fly. Obviously, just didn't want us on his side of the gate.
Eewwww. I'm getting the heebie jeebies just thinking about it.