Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Elizabeth Ann's Birthday

Somewhere in the madness that was the end of school and the beginning of summer (June 8th to be exact), our Lulu turned FOUR!  Happy, happy birthday, my darling girl.  You could not be more beautiful to us - inside and out.  You are the girl I always wished I could be.  You are happy, confident and you blissfully dance to the beat of your own drummer.  May you always know such self-acceptance and confidence every day of your life.  You are the life of the party around our house.  You keep us laughing.  And, you constantly touch our hearts with your love and joy.

I love how most every story you tell us happened "on Tuesday."  I love how you always want to wear a dress and sparkly shoes.  I love how you always want to have your hair done - complete with ribbons, bows or flowers.  I love how you smile for pictures by pulling your mouth back and attempting to show every tooth in your head.  I love how you hold your dress out in a curtsy the whole time you walk down the aisle at church.  I love how you think you are the boss of your brother - and he lets you believe that you are.  I love how you carry every little toy you can find in a purse.  I love how you carry on long elaborate conversations with your stuffed animals and your dolls.  I love how you chose to have cookies for your birthday instead of cake - cookies that everyone decorated themselves.  I know you will constantly change and evolve as you grow, but today this is who you are.  And, you are perfectly YOU.

I'm sure it is a story that will be told to you thousands of times, but when your daddy thought you were going to be a boy, he told me we could name you Hope.  When we found out that you were indeed a girl, he 'fessed-up that he didn't want to name you that after all.  Well, you are still my hope.  My hope for the future.  My hope that the light within you will brighten every life it touches.  (But, I do have to agree with Daddy.  If you hadn't been our Elizabeth Ann, you wouldn't also be our Lulu, our Elle, our Belle, our Belly, our Elizabeth.)

We love you more than words could ever say.  And, we hope you had a great fourth birthday, big girl.

"Spa Party" at the Bear Castle - complete with pajamas, make-up, manicures and stuffed animals...
...and the greatest Big Brother in the world who wore his jammies, came to a "girl party" and never uttered a single word of complaint (although, it didn't hurt that he scored a leather-clad motorcycle wolf out of the deal).


Entertaining Women said...

I can't believe that Elizabeth is 4 years old. She's a treasure!

Mindy said...

What a precious angel! She is truly a little doll.

"You could not be more beautiful to us - inside and out...You are happy, confident and you blissfully dance to the beat of your own drummer."

All I'm saying is sounds like she doesn't fall far from the tree, my precious Ali.

Ali said...

you're too kind, mindy. thank you, my friend.

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